We the People hereby call for the complete cancellation of all personal and international debts by the 31st of December, 2030.
We furthermore call that this be done without exception, retribution or prejudice, and that all forms of personal debt — including but not limited to mortgages, medical debt, credit card debt, student loans, liens, and tax debts — be completely annulled.
We call on Our governments to cancel all debts accumulated by the Global South and to abolish all entities which hold and enforce the debt, including but not limited to the World Bank and the IMF.
And finally, We call on Our governments to make themselves available for reformation; to acknowledge and ameliorate their rôles in creating and perpetuating this debt crisis; to de-financialize their economies, including all laws, regulations and fiscal and monetary policies which serve the interests of the few; to dismantle the bureaucracies which perpetuate the status quo; and above all to ensure that such extremes of debt may never again be visited on Us, and by which We may form a more perfect planet for Us and all generations which will follow.
We call for Jubilee 2030.